

Posted by NORTH EUGENE BOYS BASKETBALL | VARSITY on Oct 30 2022 at 09:30PM PDT in 2022 Fall

North Eugene Families!

Enclosed is important information for you and your student(s) who are trying out for the NE Boys’ Basketball team. We’re excited for this year and want to make sure you have all the information you need for planning!

Here are a few of the expectations if your student(s) makes the team. He will be expected to be at all practices and games. There will be out-of-town travel for all levels (Varsity, JV, Freshmen) in December with some overnight stay for Varsity. All student-athletes will be expected to model our core values in the classroom as well as on the court and a team gpa requirement will also be in place. In addition, we will be participating in various community service events throughout the year and provide TED Talks for the team with guest speakers. It is going to be an amazing year!

Team Tryouts (Nov 14-16)
Parent Meeting (Nov 17)
Media Day (Nov 20)
Midnight Madness (@7pm) (Nov 28)

Last, a big Shout-Out to these Fall Sports who made it to the playoffs!
Girls Soccer
Girls Cross Country automatic qualifier for the Midwestern League – Artana Nice (North Eugene)

Get ready to “Change the Narrative” this year!